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Past Events: ( 18-07-23 )
To all Members and Supporters of Marlow Museum
Our Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 18th July at 7.30pm in the Garden Room, Liston Hall.
Refreshments were available so this was also a social occasion to meet other members and supporters.
- Notice and Agenda for the meeting on 18 July (pdf)
- Minutes of last year's AGM in July 2022 (pdf)
- Trustees' Annual Report which includes the Financial Report for 2022-23 (pdf)
- Proposed trustees, MC members and officers for 2023-24 (at 4 July 2023) (pdf)
If you are not yet a member or Friend of the museum, please consider joining.
Membership gives you voting rights in the AGM and a chance to influence the development of the museum. A good deal for £10 a year.
Joining Friends is an act of generosity to boost our funds, so it's currently £15 for the year, or whatever you'd like to give.
Find Us:
Opening Times:
Saturdays 13:00 - 17:00
Sundays 13:00 - 17:00
Wednesdays 14:00 - 17:00
Sundays 14:00 - 16:00
Marlow Museum,
by entrance to Court Garden Leisure Centre,
Pound Lane, Marlow,
SL7 2AE.
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Become a Member of Marlow Museum. .. read more
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